The First Weekend

Well, the first weekend of the rest of my life is over. It has been a weekend of learning and of discovery.

I have discovered that if you put a little effort into it, you can make veggies interesting. Corn with a little bit of butter and a little bit of salt actually, gulp, has some flavor to it, and I really enjoy it. Brussels sprouts raw, I discovered, would work well with a dip or in a salad. Caroline tried me on string beans, hope racing through her heart … but I’m not there yet.

What have I learned? I was right to be concerned about portion sizes doing me in. I had a bit of trouble there this first weekend, my instinct not to stop until I feel full is very strong. So that’s one area where I definitely need work.

But that’s all part of this. You might make a mistake, but rather than using those mistakes as ammo for beating yourself up, or as an excuse to quit, you make those mistakes into lessons, learn from them, and strive not to make those mistakes again.

I’ve also found that there is strength in others. I’ve talked to others who have undergone this bariatric surgery, and others who are even now in the process of going through it. Having some idea what I’m in for is both scary and exciting. This is going to change my life. These changes won’t be reversible … once I’m in, I’m in, no turning back.But that’s okay, I’m at the point in my life, a point I should have been at long ago, when I’m ready for that. But I see this as God giving me one last chance to make this decision on my own. Some people wait too long for that chance, others might never get that chance. I intend to take it, to run with it; I intend to radically change my life; I consider the sacrifices, while very large and by no means easy, worth it. I’ve got this chance, I’m not going to drop the ball this time. If they’re willing to do the surgery on me, I’m letting them; I want to know the risks, but I will take them.

So, anyone wanna split a carrot stick?

2 replies on “The First Weekend”

    1. Hey now. I’m a life-long hater of brussels sprouts, and even I was amazed at how good it was yesterday. But string beans? I’m truly devastated! Oh, and let’s not forget the deliciousness that is a nice cooked mushroom … Oh, so far to go still! đŸ™‚

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