Ups and Downs

Friday night, as you no doubt guessed, was a tad bleak for me. Okay, that’s kind of like saying that the Pacific ocean is a bit on the damp side. But I made it through that, thanks in no small part to the thoughtful comments received right here in this blog, and even more thanks to God, without whom I wouldn’t even be here.

Things still seem insurmountable. I still feel like I’m giving up all the pleasures in life with no returns for years to come. But the dejection isn’t there like it was. I’ll take gloomy resignation over utter dejection any day.

But that’s what this blog is for … it’s me being brutally honest. If I’m anything less than honest and forthright in this blog, then this blog becomes meangless.I’m also writing this so that, decades from now when the doctors deem me worthy of the surgery I long so much for, I can show them I’m taking this all seriously. Following along with me in this blog is not going to always be pleasant, not all happiness and joy, but I promise you it will be real; what you read is what you get; and what you get is my honest feelings, struggles, victories, and setbacks.

A couple of administrative notes: We’re having trouble with the e-mail notifications for new entries. We have no idea why. Also, near the top of the blog, you will find links to things and organizations I mention here. Right now we have links to my clinic and to the air fryer I’ve been raving so much about. More to come, I’m sure. In the meantime, I will hopefully dream of an anything-goes food day, or vegetable juice that tastes like Coke.