Another Meeting

Well, Lisa, my dietician, and I had another phone meeting today. It’s always such a joy to talk to her – she is a very fair person, she acknowledges what I’ve done, and she makes doing more of it seem so much more doable. I’m very grateful for having her expertise available to me. I came away from the meeting with a renewed sense of optimism … the goal of losing a hundred pounds still seems like a pipe dream, but I’m keeping at this, I am determined. And with Caroline at my side, well, who could ask for more?
The other news to report is that the new apartment has not fallen through. It’s going to be a different apartment than we had anticipated: it’ll be straight down from where I am writing this, same apartment but on the first floor. Lots of advantages here: if we have spring flooding that affects the elevators, as happened in 2009, I won’t have to climb twelve flights of stairs to get home. We’re also planning onkeeping our existing apartment alongside the new one for the month of December, which will give us a whole month to do the moving, so anyone willing/able to help us can do so at their leisure, and we have more freedom to set things up exactly the way we want them. I’m already hearing “No one arranges my kitchen for me!” from Caroline.

So on Monday we fill out the application and submit the damage deposit. This new apartment is newly-renovated, has blinds on the windows, has a bigger bathroom door (our current one has to be seen to be believed), had a built-in dishwasher, double sink, and carpeting in the bedrooms, among other advantages. This is just really exciting. I’m not sure the birds are looking forward to the move, but we’ve promised them the quickest transition possible. “Squawk” was their response. They’ll just have to deal with it.

And that package that got me all bent out of shape? UPS is graciously willing to redeliver it today. That’s it for now. Can someone please pass me a grain of rice?