The Keto My Success

Well, here I am again. I know it’s been way too long. Why? Partly out of embarrassment … things just weren’t working for me, and I felt feel, extremely ashamed of myself. I had been talking so big about how things were really going to work this time, blah blah blah. I felt like an alcoholic that everyone feels sorry for but no one thinks there’s any hope, the person everyone feels so ashamed of.

So I realized that, for me, the “everything in moderation” idea just wasn’t working. I needed something stricter, because on my own I’m just a weak invertebrate.

So what to do? The spirit is most certainly willing, but the flesh is so incredibly weak.

My first thought was to go to an all-liquid diet. This really appealed to me, because it would have meant I’d be drinking the same thing day in and day out and I wouldn’t have to eat things I didn’t like: find the liquid supplement I don’t mind and go from there.

But Caroline appealed to my inner Jack Benny and pointed out how expensive these can be. She was looking at something for herself too, and liquid just wasn’t turning her crank.

Enter the keto diet. Like with any diet, it means that I will have to give up four things I really hold near and dear to my heart: potatoes, rice, pasta, and, gulp, bread. But, since Caroline and I are both carnivores, the fact that quite a few meat products remain available to me is very appealing.

So we decided that today, September 7, would be the beginning of keto for both of us. Caroline de sided to start a blog of her own, and I would pluck up the courage of posting again in this one.

How confident do I feel? I don’t know, the analogy of the alcoholic scares me to death. I don’t want to say “this time for sure”, because I don’t trust myself enough to say it.I do know that I’ve got to try, really, REALLY, REALLY try.I’m already missing potato chips, cashews (which, being my favorite nut, are of course the least keto-friendly), and regular Coke. No, no more “you can still have the occasional Coke” for me. Caroline is excited. I’m not. But what I am is determined. Am I determined enough? I honestly don’t know.

Prayers, thoughts, money, whatever, are all appreciated. Okay, I’m not really asking for money.

So here’s how the first day went. Breakfast was a yogurt concoction with cocoa powder and berries, with almond slivers on top. It basically tasted like the most bitter pudding ever invented, and it was a struggle to get down. Supper was a cauliflower bake with really delicious pork chops. I forced down the cauliflower first, then moved on to the delicious pork chops. But I was so stuffed I couldn’t finish the pork chops. That’s one thing about this stuff, it makes you full.

If you want to find out more about the plan itself, and about the prep and so on that goes into the food, Caroline’s blog goes into a lot of that stuff.

One reply on “The Keto My Success”

  1. Lynne shared your blog with me and I felt the need to respond. The fact that you are willing to persevere is promising in itself. It reminds me of my journey to quit smoking. Toughest thing I ever did. It truly was a one day at a time journey. I kept a journal, writing of my feelings & reactions. My cigarettes were there – in the cupboard & it was my choice – Yeah, that was a tough journey, so I feel for you Bruce. One day at a time … and Bless you on this journey.

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