It’s BACON!!!!!!

One of the interesting things about the keto diet is what is actually allowed in it. Bacon, eggs, and cheese all fall into this category, and they do go some way toward compensating for the things I’ve had to give up. I’ve grown up all my life being told that bacon is just about the worst thing you could ingest. But not according to keto. Eggs always go back and forth between being good for you and not being good for you. Well, with keto, they’re good for you. Cheese? Who doesn’t love cheese?

Do they make me want my bread, rice, potatoes and pasta any less? Do they make me miss beans, corn, sweet chocolate, chips, pie, cake, and toast any less? No, But it is nice to be aware that keto is more than just sawdust on a plate. Yeah, there’s lots of sawdust too, but there are good things to look forward to as well, so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much.
If you look at Caroline’s Blog, which I can’t recommend highly enough, you read a lot about what goes into the preparation of these foods, as well as the challenges that Caroline also is facing alongside me. But you’ll also get filled in on the exciting things that are happening with her diabetes. If you think the keto diet can’t make any difference, just read Caroline’s blog and be prepared to be amazed.